Friday, October 1, 2010

Poster Revisited!

Well, here is the reworked version of the poster I submitted last week. After getting some ideas and suggestions from a variety of sources, I decided to make several alterations. Most of the alterations made were to the text and alignment of text. I did make a few alterations to the eye/face, adding a few veins to the eye, as well as reddening the flesh around the eye to give the impression of irritated flesh for the bloodshot eye. I also gave a few more areas of mottled color to the skintone to give the sickly feel I was going for. For the text, I altered the title by adding more "veins" to the text, as well as enlarging it. I also faded the edges od the text and lessened the opacity to make it less blaringly white. I changed the text at the bottom to minimalize the impact of the information given about the company, director, etc, and just put the copywright information. I moved the text near the top even higher and also rearranged it so it felt better and fit better into the pic. I did most of this to give more blackness to the side of the eye and to make the main focus to be on the eye and face, rather than on the text itself.
and just for the fun of it and for comparison purposes, here is the original picture that I started with.

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