Thursday, September 16, 2010

For this assignment, I chose this particular phrase because it described myself for a good part of my earlier life. I was (and to an extent still am) rather confusing and rather divided. I had many "opposites" within my life and within my personality, like being a perfectionist, but also being rather lazy. usually being rather laid back, but also getting frantic at other times. I was usually being either a total optimist, or a pessimist. The way I was and how I worked was rather confusing, and I was also very withdrawn, so very few knew anything about me, since I also tried to hide myself away from people. So This phrase was one that I liked from an early age.
I chose the fonts that I used for a few simple reasons. The main black text was rather simple, but still styled, but not so much that it detracted from the red text. The text in red is a different font that I chose because it felt like the kind of text one might use for a mystery novel. It felt almost gothic, a bit ancient even, and so a bit mysterious in itself. I used that to try and emphasize the words meaning and feel. the red was also a dramatic accent and made the words "pop" enhancing their importance in the phrase. The mask int he background was just a simple final touch that to me seemed more interesting than a flat background and also fit the feel of the phrase.

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