Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Good the Bad
This movie poster is one that I would call a good/successful poster. I don't call it that because I liked the movie (was rather undecided on it actually), but rather because I feel that the poster efficiently draws in the viewer and makes them want to know more.

What is immediatly a draw-in for the poster is the focal point of the Statue of Liberty. It is a well known icon, and seeing it so horridly disfigured and destroyed quickly grabs attention of the viewer in a shocking/jarring manner. It lets the viewer know that some large scale disaster has happened, and the claw marks on the back would indicate that it was some terrible beast.

The background having the city with a line of smoke and destruction reveals the devastation that has occurred, but does not reveal the beast that caused it. It brings about curiosity from the viewer wanting to know what exactly did it and how it came about.

The blue tones used in much of the image with contrasting hues in the center of the image draws attention to the destruction as well as give a bit of an eerie feeling, I find. The text above is simple but efficient, bringing that question of "what is it" up again. The white text at the bottom anouncing the title of the film is also very efficient, Having been placed along the bottom where the image is darkest and the white can "pop" the most.
It was for these reasons that I found this poster to be quite efficient.
This poster however I found to be far less efficient and quite lacking.

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