Thursday, September 2, 2010

About Me...

Well, there's not a lot to me really. I'm a fairly simple person with too many hopes and dreams to list them all. I'm always chasing after my ideas and dreams, and trying to learn from past failings. I am also an aspiring photographer; in fact that's what a lot of this blog will feature, is my photography. I fell in love with photography a few years ago, and have been trying to improve my work, here and there as a bit of a hobby. I take quite a few photos, and have a lot of fun doing so. My photos tend to be moreso "found" photos rather than set up ones. I also tend to focus on nature with my pictures. I think there is so much in the natural world around us that is truly amazing. I love being in nature and seeing so many wonderful things in it....and I guess that's where my "inspiration" for photography stems from. I also have interst in several other fields of art, ranging from drawing and design, to ceramics and sculpting. Some of that work will also end up here eventually I imagine. I am relatively new to art yet, having only really started in senior year of high-school, and as such am always unsure of my works. However, it's all a learning experience, and I intend to keep learning and growing so I can keep walking towards my goals, and hopefully fulfilling some of my dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Your photography is quite beautiful and I love the way you work with perspective. Finding things that people don't usually see is something I find quite interesting.

    You said that you don't have any other websites. Have you tried There are many amazing photographers and groups there that can help you get more well known. ^^ It's definately something I would look into!


There is Light

There is Light